Monday, September 25, 2006

Incy Wincey

I just read a blog about spiders whilst watching a spider crawl across my wall. I'm not particularly scared of spiders although I don't really like them either, especially big ones. Bethan checks her room for spiders before she goes to bed as she thinks they will crawl down in the night and into her mouth. Because of this I've learnt the art of removing them without having the heeby-geebys.

What exactly are the point of Spiders? They eat flies I hear you say - And? Whats the point of flies?
This made me realise there are numerous animals in this world with no point in life but just being here. This is where some smart person recalls the food chain from school - so tell me oh smart one - which animals eat those bastard headlice then?

We eat animals obviously, or the products of, but it does make me wonder who decided what we'd eat and what we wouldn't. Why does everyone cringe at mentions of the consumption of horses or dogs in other countries but quite happily eat a cow or a cutesy little lamb? Why do the French eat snails but not slugs, when everyone knows slugs are just homeless snails who probably sell The Big Issue to the well off, with house snails at the corner of the garden.

But back to spiders, how do you get rid of them. Are you a messy splatter, a catch them in a tissue then squash them (like me) or do you humanely empty them out of the window/door?

Of course without spiders we wouldn't have Spiderman, or Toby Maguire...

So, I guess they do have their uses after all - and this blogs spellcheck wants Spiderman to be replaced with subterranean..


Anonymous said...

I think monkeys eat lice (or is that fleas?) when they pick 'em off each other, but I guess that does us humans little good, eh?

And I'm a squash-in-tissue spider killer, as well.

Mr. Gin and Tonic said...

A cockroach fell from the ceiling into my dad's open snoring mouth one night.

I think he spit it out