Saturday, August 25, 2007

Hospital Humour

So, over on Hellys' blog she's being her usual geeky self. And don't we love her for it

The conversation has turned to naming computers ( I think, I got a bit lost with the geeky talk).

I revealed that the computer start up login for my workplace is Nurse - a highly original one I think.

One night, I had to take a patient for an emergency endoscopy. The doctor tried to turn the computer on to do the report and asked the on-call endoscopy nurse the password. Her reply?


Sos, Helly and I are now exchanging emails at a flying pace with our own password suggestions for different departments

Cardiology - heart

Orthopaedics - bone

Oncology - cancer - or is that too crass?

Gynacology - vagina

Now its your turn.
And I really want a good one for the G.U.Med clinic - that's the STD clinic - crab maybe??

1 comment:

Natalia said...

Ummm... Assholes for proctology???
