Sunday, March 11, 2007

Update, kinda

I've been told off for neglecting my kids and not blogging

I will blog about my trip but probably not till I get home

But highlights of last night's Ninja karaoke

I had a limo - I am a princess..
I had flowers
I ate sushi
Helly sang as did Ev. Myself and Anna chose to support from our chairs
I gave a cute guy this blog address
They take karaoke seriously over here, I thought I was at American Idol
Ken from San Diego made me think of Barbie
I refused to dance with the Hillbilly
Anna ended up with a guy in her lap, passed out
I got Ev drunk

Photos to follow..


Laura said...

Sounds like you're having a fabulous time! Eagerly awaiting the soon-to-be-infamous pictures!

Px said...

i'm jealous
i want to be in america
hell i want to be anywhere but here at the moment

HK said...

Awww, I thought Hillbilly was okay, he sure beat Obnoxious Guy! I ended up dancing with him (sort of) and he was so sweet afterward, thanking me profusely for it.

Anonymous said...

Hey, unless you gave your blog address to a bunch of dudes, I think I was that cute guy! I really like your site, check out mine as well. How long are you in town?

LuzLunaEv said...

Yes Lisa - it's offical - you have corrupted me.

A. said...

The kids thank you for blogging.

Natalia said...

Oh yes please photos. Pretty please!!!!


Lisa said...

laura - photos soon..

pete - next time, you can come with me

helly - yep, obnoxious guy was the worst and hillybilly wasnt that bad - I have an aversion to checked shirts...

Patrick - Hi! Welcome to Tales from Wales. You were cute guy!! I checked out your page

Ev - I'm sorry I corrupted you and you missed Universal

Amanda - Mommy is missing her kids. Go bother daddy for blogs till I get home

Natalia - Photos Thursday maybe, if I dont flake out all day. I have a lot to blog, this could take a while..

Px said...

game on :)