Monday, April 09, 2007

HP and the OOP

I usually don't like the HP films on first watching. I compare to the book, mostly unfavourably. I'm looking forward to the book 7 release more than the film 5 release, both in July. But, I have to be honest, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix looks good..
Bethan gets scared in parts of the films so usually we wait for the DVD but I've decided that if I can travel half way across the world on my own, I can probably manage to go to the pictures on my own, so on my own I shall go. I know, I'm a sad loner, feel sorry for me. Actually don't, I'm quite happy in my own little world


Jenn said...

I already know that they could never make a movie that measured up to the book, so I try to enjoy them as fluffy fun without nitpicking too much. this one looks like it'll deliver, but I'll probably be waiting for the DVD myself.

Laura said...

It does look good! My boys are younger, so I like the DVDs - I can watch them on my own, and show the boys the non-scary scenes. They usually can't sit still long enough to watch the whole film anyway!

I'd love to go to a movie solo! Can't wait till Harrison is in school so I can do it again!