Thursday, February 08, 2007

Snow Day

So it's snowed. Only a couple of inches, not the six inches promised but isn't that always the way...

Schools and public transport have of course ground to a halt. The local store looks like it's been looted as people have panic bought enough to last 6 months
In Cardiff, one street is closed off as 7 bendy buses have got stuck trying to turn a bend. Now, call me stupid, but didn't they realise after maybe 2 or 3 of them got stuck that the other 4 wouldnt get through either??

What's a bendy bus I hear you cry?

It's a bus - and it bends....

Some snowy pics

Not a great deal of snow but Bethan's working it. And it's still snowing..

Yes, I throw a snowball like a girl

Wales in the snow

We attempted a snowman but there wasn't enough - maybe later

I played around with the video feature on my camera. The quality's not that good and god my voice is awful..


Natalia said...

Ohhh snow! Snow angels and a really good excuse to have hot cocoa and sex.



HK said...

Hey, that street looks familiar ;-)

What was Bethan saying, in the video clip?

Lisa said...

ooh, natalia, sex...whats that again ;)

and helly, she said something like "yes this is Wales and its snowing in February"

A. said...

Your voice isn't awful. Silly woman! Although if you recall our last conversation about cameras...yeah hearing your voice makes you cringe...think about the other stuff and I can only imagine that I'd want to crawl into a small little hole in the center of the universe. Oooh, and I had imagined you were talking about a proper video camera on tripod set up. Not strictly in front of the computer. So there would be plenty of er...jiggle factor.

It wasn't snowing in Florida, just so you know.

Lisa said...

Yep, I hate my voice on camera, I cringe all through my wedding video. In fact the only good thing about that video is that I can rewind it and come out a single woman at the end.

and you thought I meant THAT kind of camera sex.


A. said...

Yes. In most cases I think in the most graphic and extreme terms. It's a gift.

Lisa said...

What a delightful gift to have too

I think Myspace have deleted Martha. perhaps her lawyers will be waiting for Brian when he gets back...

btw, why are you in Florida?

A. said...

I was working on a cruise ship directly after graduating uni in portland, and when that gig came to an end, I moved in with my parents (father and stepmum) who happen to live in Florida. I've been here for two months. I'm too lazy to change MySpace, and I don't really feel like I live here.

I've applied with another cruise company for another job on the ships, and I'm hoping to go out again. Otherwise I'll move back to Portland in the spring. But I rather hope I end up singing crap karaoke and hosting trivia to tourists.

Oh, and it's funny because I HATE tourist traps and white trainers are a huge pet peeve of mine...and that's what cruise life is all about. Odd.

Lisa said...


I knew about the cruise ship job but was confused to as why they dumped you off the ship in Florida and left you there..

A. said...

Ha. Probably because I couldn't sell crap art to save my life...and I slept with my boss. Or perhaps they're unrelated.

Lisa said...

Crap art is hard to sell, although I would have thought rich dumb Americans would have been a pushover

Slept with the boss? Is that related to the hand mark on the ass story?...

A. said...

Um. Yes. We were both drunk. That was quite a bit harder than I both wanted and expected.

I studied the type of art they were trying to sell. It was quite a bit more difficult because I knew it was crap, and hated every moment of lying about the processes. Fine art printing and what they were offering are FAR different. My final review stated that I didn't have the "social skills to be taken seriously as a fine art dealer." I didn't have the social skills to be taken seriously as a salesperson. Fine art didn't enter into the equation--ever.

Lisa said...

Have you ever been to that square in Paris I can't think of the name of right now where there are artists selling their work?

I thought I'd died and gone to heaven. But alas, I didn't have the funds, Margaritas being more pressing on a Hen weekend, so I ended up with 2 touristy prints

A. said...

No, sadly I've never been. I have a dream of going to the Musee D'Orsay and working for them. I would wash their windows if they'd have me.

I have to start making my wages in Euros, otherwise I'll never get back to Europe.

Lisa said...

Momtmartre- that was it

I need to go to Paris again. Although a boozy hen weekend was fun, I want to see more

Anonymous said...

Hey I liked your voice.

I have been on a bendy bus before. They use them at the rodeos and concerts that transfer people from parking lots to the Astrodome. Its fun sitting in the bedny part XP.

I wish it would snow here. We had frost and things iced over...that was about it though. was neat seeing the icicles on everything.

A. said...

I had this post graduation dream of spending a month going to art museums in the UK and another month in France. I'm still hoping to do so. I just want to lay down on the cobblestones and take photographs and take over-dramatic/romantic notes in the museums.

What do you want to do when you get back to Paris?

Lisa said...

Well apart from the bars, all we did was Eiffel Tower(top floor was shut), Momtmartre and the Sacred Heart and Moulin Rouge. Regretably Ewan was not there.

So I want to do all the rest of the touristy stuff and the museums, art galleries etc.

Lisa said...

Yes Amanda, the snow was fun, I want it to go away now though so the girls can go back to school

oh 2 amandas, thats aeros amanda...

Jenn said...

"bendy bus" is such a cute name. i always call them accordion buses, and use appropriate hand gestures, but bendy bus is better. you win.

can i borrow Bethan to come shovel my snow? i'll let her use a real snow shovel. i'd offer hot chocolate too, but it doesn't look like she needs any sugar.

oh, and your hair is so long and pretty.

Px said...

we had more than you :P

and it's snowing again today

Lisa said...

Jenna - I can see your hands gesticulating bendy bus. And no, bethan rarely nesds sugar to help her hyperness..

Pete - We had more than it looks, it was mostly trampled by the time we got there.

And it's snowing heavily now too!!

LuzLunaEv said...

I like your voice - you sound American - hehehehe.