Thursday, April 05, 2007

Defender of the Burg

Apparently Gwent has a new High Sheriff

I didn't know we had an old one.

Firstly, Gwent is supposed to no longer exist. I no longer know where I live. Wales changed it's Counties a while back and Gwent disappeared, but sometimes I still live there, or I might live in Monmouthshire or I might live in Newport which makes my address Newport Newport

but I digress.

Back to the Sheriff - does our Sheriff look like this?

No, I'm afraid he doesn't. Our sheriff looks like this..

Is he going to ride into town, oops sorry, city, and rid of us of the evil outlaws?


Lieutenant Colonel Michael Harry's duties are to include attending civic functions and any royal visits to the area.



HK said...

What, no powdered wig?

Lisa said...

Uh, thats a barrister or judge Helly not a Sheriff

HK said...

I know-- but with that frilly-looking outfit a powdered wig just seemed like the perfect touch!

Natalia said...

Ummm he looks a bit of the stiff side. And not the good stiff, if you know what I mean. Ummm OK enough of that thought! :)


A. said...

Hmmm. Lisa, I recommend you apply for the job. You'd rock the frills a lot better, and probably make much more interesting conversation with the boring royals.

Lisa said...

I really don't do frills..

I share the same birthday as the Queen, perhaps I could take her out pole dncing at The Reflex