Sunday, February 03, 2008

Random Sit Rep

My Myspace blog is up the creek. I cant get on it to post and noone can get on to read. Not that I have a large fan club but still....

So my update goes here instead of there.

Where the hell did January go? Wasn't Christmas last week? january passed in a blur.

Work has been horrendously busy with far more critically ill people than beds. We did have one thing that amused me. Before I reveal it I must remind you that nurses have a warped sense of humour..

We had a really nice lady in and while she was in her dog died. We told the family not to tell her. One day she kept telling us there was a dog running around the unit but as she was confused and delerious we didn't pay much attention. The next day she sadly died. So I got to thinking - what if when she died she got to wherever and the dog came running up. She'd be wtf are you doing here?....

I did prewarn you I was warped. But the dog running around was kinda freaky thinking about it. Patients usually see dead relatives before they die so who's to say her dog didn't visit?

My first degree module is going well. It's interesting but theres a huge amount of work to get through. As well as writing the assignment, which has a really horrible title, I have to learn how to physically examine 5 systems and swot up on MCQ questions for the exam. Oh and make sure I've shaved my armpits and have a suitable bra on for the practice examinations....

All of which has been hindered by my mum's admission to hospital. She's been in a week and seems to be getting worse not better. As for some of the nurses on her ward - let's just say I've written the complaint and am waiting to see if her care improves before I send it to the Chief Executive. I try to be the daughter not the nurse but I cannot ignore sheer negligence and neglect. Let's hope her care improves when she gets transferred to the Specialist Hospital for surgery. When they get a bed for her of course, which doesn't look like anytime soon.

Wales beat England at Twickers. Woo - nothing beats the glee of beating the English especially at their home ground. Pity it's taken us twenty years.
Which reminds me - less than a month to St David's Day ( March 1st) so still time to dig out, knit, sew, buy, borrow or steal a red top to mark the occasion. And find a daffodil or a leek. I want an even better turn out than last year

I'll end with this

As someone who works with Anaesthetists in ITU every work day I find it hilarious but once again you may not get the medical humour. These guys rock


HK said...

Well, as dog lovers can attest to, dogs ARE family, so I wouldn't be surprised if this woman was yet another of your many patients who saw dead loved ones before passing on herself.

I can relate to being frustrated at your mom's level of care (or lack thereof). I would hope that your being a nurse yourself will help make the complaint that much more emphatic, as they can't just treat you like an overreacting relative who knows nothing about medicine.

I still have the daffodil pin you gave me for my birthday... around here somewhere, anyway. I guess I've got a month to dig it out so I can wear it with my red shirt on March 1 :-)

lisa said...
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Lisa said...

I gave you a daffodil pin?

My memory is getting worse, I dont remember that...