Monday, February 19, 2007

Bashing Britney's getting Boring

Theres not really much to say about new bald Britney that hasn't already been said

Except at least we know that her hat now matches her handbag..


Anonymous said... Why would she do something like that?!?!?! I dont know if she is still fit to be a mother. I mean...look how odd she is getting.

Poor thing.

Laura said...

Have you seen the pictures of her with her horrible wig? I don't know which looks worse - the knobby head or the Carol Channing wig. She really needs help.

Anonymous said...

I posted this on grab...but was going to initially post it here. So I figure out what Brittneys new look reminds me of...

Start with this...

Add a little of this...

And...BOOM!!! You get the final product...

Natalia said...

She's been old for a while. Laughing at celebrities is easy but when you see someone with kids spiral down like's just sad.


Px said...

yeah, now she's rough all over

although she now looks more like a butch lesbian...and i htought she was trying to get rid of those rumours...

Violet said...

She's no Sinead O'Connor.