Saturday, February 24, 2007

Dirty Dancing

Oh god, it's another silly wedding dance....

Remember this?

Now we have this


Laura said...

That's pretty darn impressive, actually! Funny for the kids, yet good enough dancing to impress the old folks who don't know about Dirty Dancing.

And, not nearly as frightening as the Thriller dance. I mean, the whole wedding party? Come on!

Just hope that neither of those become the new chicken dance or something equally horrid at weddings!

I used the excuse that I had just had knee surgery to not dance at my wedding. The fact that I couldn't dance before hand? Not really important. It was also handy to not worry about tripping down the aisle in high heels. I wore ballet slippers and my dress was long, so you couldn't see them. I did sacrifice some height, but since I was limping down the aisle as it is.... Snore...sorry, was I going on too long?

Lisa said...

No, not too long.

I love long comments. Well, any comment really..

Natalia said...

OMG. This reminds me I want to take a few dancing lessons when I manage to lose some weight.


Px said...


i'd not seen the first one before, but now i've seen them both it's kinda cool in a really cheesy way

part of me would love to do something like that if i ever get married, but part of my is just cringing at it all

still it was bloody funny