Thursday, December 28, 2006

Birthday Wishes

Its 1am here so officially the 29th December
A Happy 36th birthday to my bestest friend Brian. At last you're as old as me..
Have a good day and don't work too hard

Here's a little Christina in a hot tub waiting for you

and some pudgy Christina, just the way you like her

Hmm, Justin, how did he get there?...


Merritt Fields said...

oh...he'll be so excited about pudgy Christina. You're a good friend.

Px said...

she's nice
very nice

Natalia said...

If I was a lesbian...there is definitely something about that girl, in spite of the big forehead and all.

And yum...Justin has gown up and filled out in the right places.


Mr. Gin and Tonic said...

You know, he IS bringing sexy back...
