Friday, December 22, 2006

Santa Revealed..

Mmmm yummy, need I say more..

And a double treat for the Santa's sexy little helper

Thank you for filling my stocking - you guys know me all too well..


Natalia said...

OH MY GAWD :) ROTFL thanks for THAT!


Lisa said...

No problem Natalia, I keep shouting at him to turn around..

Merritt Fields said...

Yummy. But a little oily for my taste.
I like this song, too.

Lisa said...

He is a little oily Aisby - he needs a rub down

Jenn said...

is it wrong that i like the girls more?

Px said...

he needs to work on his tan though...and is that jenny mccarthy? not a fan to be honest

anyway like i said over at my place come and collect anytime you want :)