Saturday, December 02, 2006

Google Smoogle

Google on St David's Day
In reading Allies blog about her site tracker and her new readers The Dept of Justice (They're watching you!) she mentioned how Google leads to your blog. So, I decided to look at mine and see what terms brought people to me

My site tracker is mainly people I recognise straight away. My little band of regulars. I do have them, honest, they are just very shy and don't comment....
Then throw in the mix of people that are sent to my blog from the random blog button and the bestblogger random button - they don't come back...

Anyway, back to Google - all I have to say is people Google the weirdest things. I looked at the last hundred entry links before I got bored and people have been brought to my blog by typing the following

Spooky Tales

Things to do on Friday the 13th

Snowdrop raindrop

I love my friends because

Everard Cunion

Newport Wales Skate Park

look a likeys

but my favourites have to be

Itchy Palm
Legal Monkeys (as opposed to illegal ones?)

Spot the Cylon ( Got to love a fellow Battlestar Galactica fan, but why was he wanting to know?, think he's found one..)

Funny Christmas hat in Wales (wtf did they think they were going to find??)

and my all time favourite...

All I want for Christmas is a boob job - now I expect Mariah Carey could tell them all about it but still

I fear all were bitterly disappointed when they ended up on my little blog


Unknown said...

LMAO! Those are great Google searches!

Today I had one that said "Can meth be made from Nyquil"

I am sorry I let them down.

Love your new look, btw. I love seeing all of the three-column converts!!

Lisa said...

Its really wantint me to blog something bizarre now to see if it brings me a host of visitors

Like - Britneys bits on show or Paris, Britney and Lindsey caught in love clinch

I like dirty readers..

Mr. Gin and Tonic said...

So, uh, how exactly DO you spot a Cylon?

Jenn said...

my friend used to keep a running list of weird google searches that led to him, but he took it off his blog. i think my favourite one was something like "anal foot sex in the snow" which was made even more hilarious by the non-naughtyness of his blog. people are weird, and i love it.

Natalia said...

I am so gonna have to do this one. One of the ones that I got is too dirty to put in the comments. But I might just do this one soon :)


Lisa said...

Brian - you know how to spot a cylon..

Natalia! - Welcome back. Nothing is too dirty for my blog hun

Natalia said...

OK..but I warned. Someone was looking up "Dick Cheese"

And they got to me. HOLLA!!!!


Lisa said...

That's brilliant! I love it

my word verification is jncheec - spooky..