Wednesday, October 11, 2006

How to Spot a Cylon

So I bowed down to the pressure and bought the Battlestar Galactica Miniseries to see what exactly it was, besides porn of course, that was whipping Brian and lately Carl and Ryan into a frenzy.

I even read The Plan - Full of complicated theories of what the show means - man versus science, religion, politics, family, its all there.

And then today I read a reader's review of BG series 1

The americans created islamic fundamentalism. The islamists learned to think for themselves and mix in with society. Some of them believe themselves to be 'normal'. and they have a plan! so starts the modern day interpretation of battlestar galactica. not bad, but do the parallels have to be so obvious. are americans and american audiences so sacred and sanctimonious? Is anybody, who has a 'beef' with american middle eastern policy just a machine?

All very interesting Im sure....

But it seems to me, everyone is missing an important point. Granted I have only watched the miniseries and am 3 series behind, but one thing that struck me was they needed to know how to detect a cylon. As fans will know, the new versions of Cylons can now present themselves in human form. These Cylons think, act, and communicate like humans, and some of them don’t even realize that they’re Cylons (they’re sleepers, you see).

The cylons that look like this are obviously very easy to spot

However when they look like this, its a little harder

The new look sexy cylons are very difficult to spot. Dr Gaius Baltar squirms his way out of admitting how he knew the reporter was a cylon by making up a story about synthetic hair. But its RIGHT THERE, under everyones noses, and they just don't get it.


Sex will tell them. Number 6 reveals she and the good doctor have been at it for two years. She's a woman using her sex to get what she wants, he's a philanderer who cant keep it in his pants. We're led to believe they're hot in the sack. Obviously not that adventurous - doggy style didnt come into their repartee....

See, the one thing that all of these humanoid cylons have in common is that their spines light up when they’re having sex. Thats what will tell the cylons apart from the others.

So, I give you my very own Cylon detection tool - The Cylon Detecting Scoop Wedge

Who knew being a geek was so much fun..


Mr. Gin and Tonic said...

you've been linked at The Plan...

Unknown said...

I was wondering if my wife was a Cylon. I'll keep my eyes open tonight.

Mitch said...

There are several women I am CONVINCED are cylons! Thank heavens I now have a way to find out for sure!

Lisa said...

Would that work in a divorce court?

I wasn't adultrous, I was just checking if she was a Cylon....