I was going to say I'll have any one of these in my stocking. But that sounded kinda kinky. So, me in the stockings, men naked..
Ewan Macgregor
Nathan Fillion
Ioan Gruffudd
Tadd Hilgenbrinck
Wentworth Miller
Same sex alternate - Dita Von Teese
Blonde alternate - Daniel Craig
YES YES YES YES YES...All excpet Daniel Craig. He doesn't do it for me. But YUM on the rest. And there is something seriously enthralling about Dita Von Teese. OMG she is hot. Especially when she's in that Martini glass, right?
Thanks, this was a great pick-me-up!
Yeah, I don't really do blondes, my first love was a blonde but other then that I've always gone for dark. But if I had to have a blonde alternate, Daniel Craig would do
And Dita does things for me no other woman does..
Who is Tadd? Why is his head so large?
I watched American Pie Band Camp last night. He's Stifler's little brother all growed up
He's 25 but looks younger, he was going to be my underage alternate
and his head is fine...
Okay....yum yum yum! *Sigh*
I completely agree with Nathan Fillion. And I'm a straight/bisexual guy...
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