Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Oh and on the subject of day counting

Tuesday 9th January - 9 - 1050 pm GMT

Sky One

Season 3

Do not disturb during this time as nothing will drag me away from that box in the corner of the room I never watch....


Natalia said...

If you feel about this the way I feel about Grey's Anatomy...I so hear you.


Lisa said...

I just love it Natalia. I don't watch TV but was nagged to death to watch so I had to buy the DVDs.

Now I'm addicted. My heart starts to race every time they have a trailer on TV

I blame Brian..

Px said...

it's not fair, i'm jealous

i'm also still trying to hunt down series 2 on dvd :(

Sony said...

A fantastic program -- I commend you on your taste in television.

Here in the states we're counting down to January 21 for the second half of the third season.

I too am addicted to BSG. So say we all.

Anonymous said...

So Season 3 BSG finally gets started in Wales? I've been going through BSG withdrawal waiting for the second half of season 3 to start here in the USA again (Jan. 21, 2007). Two months without BSG is painful. And since you are just getting off watch Season 1 and 2 on DVD, I'll prepare you for the let down. It sucks going back to one a week with commercials when you've had it so good watch 2-4 at a time with out commercials. Imagine great sex 3 times a day and then having to live with sex once a week with many annoying interruptions.

Lisa said...

Pete - if you're ever in Wales you can borrow mine

Sony - Say so we all indeed. I can't wait till tomorrow

Ryan - We have it all in one so I might catch up a little. And when it comes to sex, imagining is all I do..

Px said...

i have nothing else to do at the moment, i could be in wales in abot 2 hours (need to get dressed and get some petrol otherwise i'd be there sooner)

Px said...

by my reckoning you should be watching it right about now :)


Lisa said...


It was kind of a set up double episode - setting the scene

but it was great!!

Px said...
