Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Its Just a Little Crush....

We're the dandy highwaymen so tired of excuses
Of deep meaning philosophies where only showbiz loses
We're the dandy highwaymen and here's our invitation
Throw your safety overboard and join our insect nation

da diddley qa qa da diddley qa qa
da diddley qa qa da diddley qa qa
da diddley qa qa da diddley qa qa
da diddley qa qa da diddley qa qa

I was 11 and it was my birthday. Looking back, the presents of an Adam and the Ant Album combined with a set of headphones failed to stir the comic effect in me it does now, but with hindsight and 2 daughters of my own I have a deeper understanding for my parents' pain that I didn't then.

1981 and I was an avid Ant. I mean, with lyrics like da diddley qa qa who wouldn't be? I had the leather (plastic) trousers, the frilly shirts, even the white stripe across my nose if I felt particularly adventurous. Shut up, I thought I looked cool....

Adam was my first crush - my King of the Wild Frontier, my Prince Charming.

He monopolised my birthday gifts - Adam and the Ants T-shirt (pink), King of the Wild Frontier Album, Adam and the Ant's jeans patch. That and my headphones. Oh and the Snow White Sindy doll - from my nan, she tried bless her.

The headphones were huge. But, you know, they went on ya head and they stayed there.
I have blogged about my small ears and my new fangled headphones disability previously. Me and in your ear headphones do not mix, I liked the ones with the big strap over your head holding the cans over your ears. Now I miss more music fiddling with the headphones as they fall out of my ears. There is a photo somewhere in my parents house of me in the garden, headphones in situ, wearing my Tshirt holding the album and Sindy doll. Due to the hideously short back and sides I was sporting back then, due to a mother telling an incompetent hairstylist that I needed "something easy to manage", it will never grace these pages.

Today daughter number 2 reaches the grand old age of 11. In her last year in Primary school, she enjoys being one of the big fishes in the little pond. September brings High School and the last strings of mother's apron gets well and truly snipped the first time she boards that big yellow bus on her own. Her gifts included a Bratz head and arms for much girly making up, jewellery and money.

She also has her first crush. Here you go babes - Happy Birthday

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As for my crush on Adam, it faded as I swapped my allegiances to John Taylor and Duran Duran. Twenty five years on, Adam is a little crazy


HK said...

LOL, my first crush was actually a cartoon character from "Voltron".

And I had to comment on the earphones-- same here! I was listening to my mp3 player while at work, and those darn earbuds just started hurting my ears. I quickly switched to the nice comfy foam pads with the nice strap resting on my head. Sound quality is just as good, and so much more comfortable!

Lisa said...

A cartoon character??

God girl, you've always been a geek..

HK said...

Aw come on-- I was what, 8 years old! :-P

Lisa said...

An 8 year old geekette - lovely

Im quite proud of Bethan's first crush

Mr. Gin and Tonic said...

Adam could have played Captain Jack, without must in the way of acting or makeup

LuzLunaEv said...

Sure the Ant was hot - hell the main reason I checked out Northern Exposure. But did you mention Duran Duran???? Still to this day - the only band I can name all of the members to. Sure - three of them had same last name. And you can have John - i wanted Rodger to take my virginity!!!! Or sign my underwear - i would have been happy either way.

Px said...

i'll tell you what you need to get...sony fontopia earphones, they are fiddly small in your ear jobbies, but at the same time once they're in i've never had mine fall out...ever! even when i used to go to the gym!
and they have really good sound quality too

happy birthday #2 :)

Laura said...

Happy Birthday to your daughter! I see a bit of a resemblance between Johnny and Adam, as well. Hmmm. My first crush was the kid from "The Black Stallion." Yeah, he was hot when I was in third grade, though I was probably more into the horse than him. ;)