Thursday, November 09, 2006

Boots Glorious Boots..

A girl can never have enough boots. But I'm being good.


So stop emailing me shops with really nice boots!!

Look - I really want these These are my faves.

And they a similar pair
in black. But I have knee high black
with laces I hear you say. Yes, but
these are slightly different, the heel is thinner

And I like these too

Oh, and these are nice And in black.......

I know, I know, I really don't need anymore boots but it's an addiction, I can't help it. I'm literally squirming in my chair just looking at them.

I need to get out more

but then I'd need more boots....


Anonymous said...


boot shopping. you and me. let's make a date.

Lisa said...

I am so glad Im not the only one

Your new boots are gorgeous!!

boots shopping - New York??

Anonymous said...

I looove boots, but I can't wear heels like that! WAH! Why couldn't I have been 3 inches SHORTER???

Lisa said...

Allie, wear heels and stand proud!

I so wish I was taller