Thursday, November 02, 2006

Do Not Disturb....

Its arrived....
The bad news is, on scouring the Sky webpages, it seems unconfirmed news is Season 3 will not start till January which truly sucks. Apparently you get a break in between episodes but we will get the whole series in one so eventually we catch up.
Why am I blogging, I have 6 discs to watch!


Mr. Gin and Tonic said...

Welcome to the obsession

Lisa said...

Its totally your fault

I told someone to frack off in work..

Anonymous said...

the BSG craze has intrigued me but i'm not yet convinced of it's greatness. hope you enjoy it muchly.

Lisa said...

Be convinced Jenna. if *I* can be converted into a sci-fi geek, anyone can be

deuce said...

It's Adama.

Lisa said...

but which one?....