Monday, November 20, 2006

You Work Christmas?

Thats the response I always get

Um yeah, we shut the hospital Christmas Eve and reopen after New Year....

Unfortunately people still get ill. We're usually really quiet or flat out busy. Deaths on Christmas Day are shit but it happens. We try to have a laugh, buy the patients presents - smellies usually, after all most are unconscious, we try and eat the food we buy and the docs usually buy us loads of choccies and biscuits. On nights I make my hot chocolate special with Tia Maria whipped cream on top and choc sprinkles.

But this year Im not nights. We tend to break up the 12 hour day shift into 2 for Christmas Eve to Boxing Day.

So, anyway, I just got my Christmas rota - its not too bad I suppose

Im mornings Christmas Eve - 7am - 230pm

Im afternoons Christmas day - 130pm - 730pm

Off Boxing Day

Days the 27th - 7am-730pm

Nights 30th - 7pm - 730am

Days New Years day

Nights 3rd and 4th

So not totally bad

Im still home for the girls to open their pressies and home by 8pm to be there for the evening.

Off Boxing Day to go to my parents and I don't go out New Year anyway - hate it, so getting up New Years morning is fine

What I will miss is chatting with my internet buddies for long periods while we all do the family stuff. That sounds sad I know but I will miss some of you. Lets hope we sneak on at the same time.....And I usually wear a Christmas Hat like this....


Mr. Gin and Tonic said...

oooh, you get boxing day off!

So, what exactly are smellies?

Lisa said...

You dont even have Boxing Day...

and Smellies make you smell nice - soap, spray, talc, that kinda thing